Coach Rodney Stewart joins Team Beast after enthusiastically accepting my invitation without hesitation.
He has offered to my “Coach Amigo,” providing wisdom and support from a Coach's point of view. His advice will be invaluable throughout my future as I take my Fastpitch Softball career to the next level.
As a “Faithful Friend and follower,” he is a true Amigo.
What makes Coach Rodney one of my top choices for this spot? Well, his demeanor for one, he is a kind and compassionate man. For two, he has extensive knowledge and experience in the highly competitive sport of fastpitch softball.
He is also a softball dad to one of my mates, Taylor.
As the Head Coach of the Carolina Magic 18U Travel Team, Coach Rodney has constantly demonstrated good character in every situation. This man projects class and makes me proud to be his pitcher and Amigo.
He is always encouraging and uplifting. He brings out my very best and makes me smile when in the Magical Circle.
I fight harder when someone truly believes in me.
I love a straight-shooter like Coach Stewart!
Very few people believe in me like Coach Stewart, he is indeed a rare jewel in the softball kingdom.
Thanks, Coach Rodney, for accepting!i